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Esnat Phiri

I grew up in Kamkuwe, a remote village in the rural area of Eastern Zambia near the border with Malawi in southern central Africa. In those days there was neither television nor radio and the children’s entertainment highlight was in the evenings after playing was finished. We listened in awe to stories related by parents, grandparents and village elders.

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Origins of the Bongwe Stories

Bongwe stories are a combination of stories passed down from generation to generation in the oral tradition and of bedtime stories such as ‘Bongwe and the Harvest’ and ‘Bongwe and his Conscience’, which I related to my grandson, Luke.

Luke really enjoyed the stories and encouraged me to write them down so that other children could enjoy them too.

Esnat gives readings from her books and organizes activities with pupils when she visits schools.

I can’t wait to hear more of your great stories so that I can learn more about Zambia. I wonder if Bongwe will get into more mischief and trouble

Contesa Charity

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Proin fringilla accumsan odio, vitae ultricies ante pulvinar eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec consequat odio sem, eu bibendum dui. Etiam facilisis auctor est, a molestie quam volutpat ac.